Service Total Outstanding Debt (over 90 days old)  Debt to be Written Off   Refer(red) to Moorcroft   Refer(red) for Legal recovery   Debt still being pursued   Payment Received / Instalment Agreed   Other Action / Reasons   TOTAL  Notes on Other Action / Reasons
  £  £   £   £   £   £   £   £   
Cultural Services 1,799.45 1,094.25 705.00 1,799.45 Original payment credited to old Barclays Bank a/c amount being pursued
Planning 13,301.64 13,301.64   13,301.64  
Building Control 1,074.57 0.61 523.46 550.50   1,074.57  
Council Housing 337,804.92 50,945.27 60,129.67 42,624.18 54,617.18 100,459.45 29,029.17 337,804.92 Action suspended pending payment of rent arrears.  Please note the figures produced  are for debt outstanding at 31st July 2007
City Contract Services 105,519.87 6,555.30 1,657.92 575.00 9,613.07 86,136.64 981.94 105,519.87 Dispute on invoice to be resolved
Health & Strategic Housing 8,111.90 2,143.41 66.65 2,934.59 2,967.25   8,111.90  
Neighbourhood Task Force 15,561.06 87.94 8,229.96 7,243.16   15,561.06  
Property Services 94,223.74 8,128.31 42,610.53 3,719.67 17,550.20 22,215.03   94,223.74  
Financial Services 4,036.37 90.96 983.12 2,962.29   4,036.37  
Information Services 922.38 922.38 922.38 Invoice to be paid in October 
Legal Services 622.00 622.00   622.00  
Housing Benefits 641,871.59 7,509.28 163,441.08 430,957.12 39,964.11 641,871.59 * Various actions see below
                Text Box: Appendix B
Total Outstanding 1,224,849.49 75,373.14 104,552.71 223,031.06 105,843.00 644,446.78 71,602.60 1,224,849.29
* Actions relating to Housing Benefit Debt
Appeals - where an appeal has been made against the creation of an overpayment & recovery has been suspended pending the outcome of the appeal.
Bankruptcy - where a debtor has been made bankrupt & recovery of the debt is suspended until the bankruptcy has been discharged
Claim Pending - where a claim for Housing Benefit (HB) has not yet been determined & there is prospect of recovery from ongoing HB
First Reminder - where no agreement has been made to repay the debt & a reminder invoice is issued
Second Reminder - where no agreement has been made to repay the debt & a reminder letter is issued
Instalment Warning - where an instalment as per an agreement has not been made & a reminder letter is issued
Instalment Termination - where instalments as per an agreeement have not been made & the agreement has been terminated & a termination letter issued